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June 5, 202011-year-old girl brings cheers to nursing home residents by visiting with her pony

Name: 20200418_134412[1] Please slug: IYW senior care pony 3 Source: Jaquiline Dillon Caption: Eleven-year-old Jorja (right) waits with her eight-year-old sister Journee (left) to bring Peanut to the windows of the nursing home.
11-year-old girl brings cheers to nursing home residents by visiting with her pony
Eleven-year-old Jorja Boller wanted to cheer up older adults in the nursing homes around her hometown of Beatrice, Nebraska. And when she thought of who makes her smile when she feels lonely, she knew her little pony Peanut would have to pay them a visit while they are isolated during the coronavirus pandemic.
Jorja and her 8-year-old sister Jurnee led Peanut up to the windows of the nursing homes. Staff on the phone helped facilitate conversations with the residents. The residents really enjoyed seeing Peanut. Some would follow the girls and their pony from window to window.
A future therapy pony
Jorja visited three nursing homes with Peanut and has promised to return with him again. When the pandemic is over, Jorja plans to get the residents more involved. Jorja is developing a program for the residents to be able spend more time with Peanut. There will be grooming, petting and plenty of treats to feed him.
A helping hand for older adults
Jorja is already well known at the nursing homes. She started volunteering at the facilities when she was about 7, when she helped out by opening doors and playing games. She also started her own annual fundraiser called “Gifts for Grands” which raises money for Christmas gifts for the residents. Last year she raised enough to give out 550 presents. Jorja has received recognition from the Good Samaritan Society and the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards — but for her it’s the smiles from the elderly that inspire her. She is now teaching her younger sister Jurnee how to also help out at the nursing homes.
This article was originally published on CNN on 6/5/2020 by Christopher Dawson. Photo: CNN