Altaira for Healthy Work Culture, Wellbeing & Inclusion
March 28, 2021
Exercise Right this Week: You are not your Scans! Pain ≠ Tissue Damage
May 14, 2021Exercise Right this Week: Falls & Balance

Exercise Right Week is an annual awareness campaign held in the last full week of May every year. Since it’s inception in 2014, the campaign has aimed to highlight the benefits of exercise for health and well-being, and to help Australians to understand where to get the “right” advice for their individual needs.
The campaign is brought to you by Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA). ESSA is the peak body for exercise and sports science professionals in Australia, and is dedicated to helping Australians live healthier and more active lives.
Altaira believe exercise for the health and well being throughout the aged care sector, is imperative. Engaging a physiotherapist is often the best solution to encourage this at a level which is safe and tailored to individual residents. To help meet the needs of our community, Altaira now offer physiotherapists throughout the aged care and community sector.
Falls are a leading cause of injuries and hospital admissions for Australians over the age of 65. In more severe cases, these falls can lead to admission to aged care facilities, or even death as a result of injuries sustained.
There are many different factors which contribute to a person’s falls risk – these include:
- Environmental factors
- Fall’s history (relating to confidence and fear of falling)
- Medication
- Level of cognition
- Strength, balance, and mobility
In terms of modifiable risk factors, physiotherapy can have the most impact in strength, balance, and mobility with targeted, specific, and individualised home exercise programs.
Simple and easy exercise programs can be tailored to the needs of the individual to have the most effective outcome. Examples include:
- Lower limb strengthening with chair and/or bed-based exercises
- Supervised static and dynamic balance exercise plans
- Group exercise programs incorporating proven & effective balance interventions such as Tai Chi
Remember, prevention is better than the cure! Proactive interventions set out by a physiotherapist are a safe and effective method to increase or maintain balance, thereby reducing falls risk and empowering older Australians to live their lives with dignity and independence.