Altaira improves access to healthcare within vulnerable communities through nursing volunteer programs
May 9, 2022
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June 15, 2022EQUALS International’s Industry Day is coming soon!

Altaira is committed to supporting the next generation of nurses and allied health professionals by partnering with EQUALS International to provide progressively rewarding employment opportunities with a range of benefits tailored for graduates. We empower our team members to realize their potential and maximise their capacity by equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and further training necessary to flourish in their chosen field.
Altaira are looking forward to chatting with the students and staff of EQUALS International at their upcoming Industry Day!
Held on campus on Wednesday 25th May, Industry Day gives the students studying at EQUALS a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable insights on jobs, careers, and industry regulations relevant to their field.
We will be presenting on the day to Nursing and Allied Health students, who will get a chance to gain insight into the aged care workforce, and even discuss employment opportunities with us! Furthermore, students in attendance will have a chance to find out how they can win a free safari by taking part in the Altaira Health Camp in Kenya through our charity partnership with Nurses In Action.
Flinders University, Beyond Blue and HESTA Super Fund will also be joining us on the day;
- Flinders University will be sharing what is has in store for EQUALS nursing students and graduates.
- Mental health organisation Beyond Blue will be providing information about the vital services they offer as well as encouraging attendees to take part in their Walk for Mental Health with Coastrek 2022 initiative to raising funds towards improving the mental health of Australians.
- HESTA Super Fund will be educating students on what superannuation employees are entitled to from their employer on top of their wages/salary, and how to manage it.
We can’t wait to meet the students and staff on Campus!