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January 31, 2022Altaira join forces with charity Healthcare Heartbeat in a bid to improve the mental fitness of nurses within aged care sector

Adelaide-based labour hire agency Altaira have joined forces with Healthcare Heartbeat, which aims to offer support and strategies to improve the mental health of our healthcare professionals currently impacted by the pandemic. Healthcare Heartbeat brings together a range of essential services tailored for our healthcare workers, particularly nurses, under one united banner. Through Healthcare Heartbeat, healthcare professionals can access a range of mental fitness training and self-development courses, access to crisis lines, career development, coaching, mentoring, retreats, overseas nursing placements, accommodation getaways and meal delivery services.
“The newly launched Healthcare Heartbeat collaborates with organisations and families across Australia, creating opportunities for our hard working and valued healthcare workers to access additional support while being acknowledged for their continuous efforts through challenging times. Altaira are excited that, through this program, nurses and healthcare workers within the aged care sector will be able to apply to receive mental fitness training, overseas adventures, retreats, meal delivery services and many other benefits that enable our amazing workforce to care for others, while also being assured that someone is also caring for them,” highlights Jelena Giro, Director, Altaira.
“Altaira are proud to be part of Healthcare Heartbeat’s journey. This initiative and vision is perfectly suited for us and a great way to give back to those working within aged care that already have given so much to our industry. They have dedicated their lives to the well-being of our seniors, often at the expense of their own health and the health of their families. Many staff are at breaking point and energy reserves are at an all-time low. This is having a significant impact on the aged care sector. If we don’t take a stand and get behind our workers now, then who will?”
Healthcare Heartbeat are very appreciative of the support and commitment that Jelena and the Altaira team have made to be involved in the new program, and have also invited Jelena to join the Healthcare Heartbeat Advisory Committee.
“As a strong advocate for the aged care industry, we value Jelena and the Altaira team’s input and expert knowledge to ensure that Healthcare Heartbeat can make a solid impact to our nation’s healthcare professionals, and in particular ensuring its relevancy to the aged care sector. We are very excited to be moving forward on this project with Altaira. Together, we can make a positive impact on those staff most effected by the impact of the pandemic,” acknowledges Terry Hoey, General Manager, Healthcare Heartbeat.
“The pressures on our healthcare system and the impact this is having on our workers continues to rise each day. There are much higher levels of anxiety, workplace stress, burnout, and communication breakdowns amongst healthcare staff than ever before. This is having a significant flow on effect to their families, home life and their mental well-being. Healthcare Heartbeat will allow businesses, families and individuals to give back to these courageous healthcare heroes.”
Healthcare Heartbeat’s website has launched, and throughout the next few months, the organisation will showcasing the many opportunities to be involved in a vital and life-changing service that aims to inspire positive change to a workforce at breaking point.
If you are a healthcare professional, you can apply to become a sponsored Healthcare Hero and receive tokens to spend on the Healthcare Heartbeat website. Learn more and register your interest here: https://healthcareheartbeat.org.au