Community Support
In this day and digital age we believe that face to face approach and human connectivity goes a long way. Altaira would not be here without the support of our clients and staff and we therefore have a strong ethos in ‘giving back to our community.’
We donate to our client’s Foundations, support their community initiatives, and treat their staff. Sometimes it’s the smallest gestures that go a long way.

Local Community
Altaira’s Director Jelena Giro supports the local sporting community, including the Seaside Tennis club and the Payneham Swimming Club, where she is Vice president.
Where and when possible, we should all embrace the many opportunities to give back, and make a real positive impact. Generosity is what brings people together across the globe; we need to do what we can to enable everyone to receive quality care at all stages of their lives.
Our team have a strong focus on fostering these partnerships with our clients and charities. As an Adelaide-based business operating nationally, we take our corporate social responsibilities very seriously. We are committed to supporting various community and environmental initiatives, including playing our part wherever possible to reduce carbon footprints and engaging in sustainable environmental practices.

Southern Cross
Care Foundation
Altaira is the inaugural sponsor of Southern Cross Care Foundation‘s Care Car program, helping people stay connected to their local community. The sponsorship of Southern Cross Care’s two current Care Cars commenced in January 2021 and will help to support the ongoing sustainability of this important community service. We are proud to support the program as we recognise it to be a crucial initiative that helps combat the loneliness and isolation that seniors are at a higher risk of experiencing.

World Youth
Altaira partnered with global charity World Youth International to improve access to healthcare within vulnerable communities through sponsoring Health Camps for hundreds of elderly people within vulnerable communities in Kenya. Hearing about the lack of healthcare, and particularly aged care, within developing communities abroad highlights how fortunate we are in Australia to have support from our government and private institutions. Although we are always exploring how we could do more to support the elderly, it’s reassuring to know we live in a country where basic services and support is part of our healthcare system. At Altaira, we believe we can all work together to create a better ageing experience not just for Australians but for populations globally. Now more than ever, there are communities that need help.

Healthcare Heartbeat
Altaira have joined forces with Healthcare Heartbeat to offer support and strategies to improve the mental health of our healthcare professionals. Altaira are excited that, through Healthcare Heartbeat, nurses and healthcare workers within the aged care sector will be able to apply to receive mental fitness training, personal and professional development coaching, overseas adventures, retreats, meal delivery services and many other benefits that enable our amazing workforce to care for others, while also being assured that someone is also caring for them.

Dementia Australia
The Altaira team regularly raise awareness and participate in fundraising events for Dementia Australia with the aim of funding medical and social research, as well as supporting the crucial services, support groups and education programs that Dementia Australia provides to those living with dementia, as well as their families and carers. Dementia Australia was found more than 35 years ago by carers, and now supports approximately half a million Australians living with dementia, as well as 1.6 million people who are involved in their care. They are a foundation that ensure they are representative of the diverse range of dementia experiences throughout Australia. Dementia Australia is also a great source of information, education and support for those impacted by dementia.

Little Heroes Foundation
The Altaira team have been long term supporters of the Little Heroes Foundation, regularly raising awareness and participating in their fundraising events and galas.
Little Heroes Foundation is a South Australian-based not for profit organisation that supports the physical and mental health of children. Little Heroes Foundation have been supporting seriously ill children for 26 years. They have contributed close to $40 million towards new equipment and facilities mainly at Adelaide’s Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH), which has funded major pieces of equipment and refurbishments.