Partnership proves the power of photography
February 24, 2018
Surveillance cameras in aged care should be considered
March 4, 2018Hearing Loss is on the Rise.
Hearing matters
Hearing impairment, or deafness, is when your hearing is affected by a condition or injury. Some people are born with a hearing loss while others may develop it as they get older.
Most commonly, hearing loss happens with age or is caused by loud noises.
One in six Australians is hearing impaired, Deaf or has an ear disorder.
Damage to your hearing is often a gradual process – the effects of noise exposure are permanent. What is excessive noise? When you must raise your voice to be able to speak to someone at an arm’s length.
Some of the early warning signs are: you can hear but not understand; you find it hard to hear in noisy situations or groups of people; you think people mumble; you need turn the TV up louder than others or, you don’t always hear the doorbell or the phone.
See how Austrlia measures up against the rest of the wold here;