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August 26, 2018Queenslanders come together to celebrate Seniors Week

Queenslanders come together to celebrate Seniors Week
Seniors across Queensland are being encouraged to make the most of the opportunities to promote positive community attitudes towards older people and ageing, facilitate community participation, and enhance community connections as part of the State’s Seniors Week 2018.
Running from 18-26 August, the annual event aims to connect with people of all ages and backgrounds dispelling the stereotypes associated with ageing, and assisting to reduce social isolation.
Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland Seniors Week Coordinator Lisa Hodgkinsons says the annual week is a great time to get out to events and activities, connect with people in your communities, and explore programs and services.
“Older people are not ‘one size fits most’ and the range of events and activities held during the nine days really highlights that,” she says.
“From aqua aerobics to Zumba, concerts and shows, cinema days, Mayoral morning teas, bus trips and excursions, coding and IT classes, expos and information days, Seniors Week activities are as diverse as the people who attend them.”
Volunteering Services Australia and aged care provider Seasons Aged Care are among the many organisations and businesses supporting the week by hosting one of the more than 850 events on offer over the nine days.
Seasons Aged Care’s eight communities across South-East Queensland are holding events for residents and their families to celebrate the week and allow residents to connect socially.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nick Loudon says one of the major aims of Seniors Week for the organisation is to reduce social isolation, enhance community connection and intergenerational relationships.
“Maintaining social connections and encouraging intergenerational relationships is a big part of our approach here at Seasons,” Mr Loudon says.
“Our Seniors Week events are designed to encourage all of our residents to socialise with each other and their loved ones while enjoying entertainment and fun.
“Each community chose their own events based on the interests of their residents – so activities range from country music, a mini Olympics, through to Rock n Roll extravaganzas and mini festivals.”
Just like Seasons Aged Care, Volunteering Services Australia (VSA) are hosting their own event on 24 August – the VSA Musical Variety Show.
VSA CEO Simon Nugus says the event will include talented artists performing comedy acts, singing and dancing, with morning tea, along with some generous lucky door prizes.
“Seniors Week is a fantastic way to celebrate and connect older generations in Queensland,” he says.
“Whilst allowing the community to learn more about their fellow seniors, as well as getting everyone involved.
“It is never too late to learn something new.
“We encourage all seniors to feel empowered and to embrace new challenges – expand their knowledge and skills by trying new things.”
Ms Hodgkinsons encourages all Queenslanders to get involved in any one, or more, of the 850 events being held.
“We are often asked who attends the events – is it only people of a certain age bracket?” she explains.
“The answer is no.
“We are celebrating Queensland for ALL ages and people of all ages and backgrounds will come together during the week.
“It’s really lovely to see the community spirit front and centre.
“Aside from hosting and attending events, we invite everyone to take the time to connect with older community members.
“By either sharing a cuppa and a chat, hosting a barbecue with your neighbours, or simply enjoying a walk together.”
To find out more about Queensland Seniors Week 2018 and the events and activities being held, visit online or call 1300 738 348.
This articlewas originally posted on www.agedcareguide.com.au on 16/8/18
Author unknown.